There should be a rule about solicitors at store entrances. Unlike the woman pictured above, who seems to be legitimate, store patrons should not have deal with transients pleading for sympathy, wearing a homemade badge. I often question their authenticity. Quite frankly, I believe most of the front-door beggars are moonlighting; a so-called “second job” from their off ramp gig.
I cringe each time I walk up to the front door of my local Vons to find a card table with a coffee can on top. I know what’s coming; a determined person with a perpetual smile blurting out their pitch, often unintelligible, followed with a guilt-intended, “God bless you.”
I know what you mean. This is the first time I've seen a solicitor in front of a "no soliciting" sign. Funny.
what do you do when it's kids with candy bars? Thats the scenario that makes me uncomfortable.
Kids selling candy: I usually buy a bar. At least there is a good chance the money is going to a good cause.
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